
New Eastwood Cardiac Rounds

Cardiac rounds today for with PCP, Dr. Shafi, Cardiologist, Dr. Dumaswala and Cardiac Specialty Program lead Cathy. Multi-Focused weekly Cardiac Team Collaboration is #NextLevel for patient Theresa who is 100 years old and loves our facility and always picks us for rehab!

A Great Gift from the Wilson Borough Lions Club!

The card says it all! Thank you, Wilson Borough Lions Club, for your thoughtful gift to our hard-working staff, we love our wonderful community here in Easton! Can’t wait to dig in!

Words of Wisdom from Compassionate Care Hospice

Recently we received an incredibly powerful and uplifting blessing by Compassionate Care Hospice. Words of hope and wisdom will help keep us New Eastwood STRONG. Click here to listen:

Our Mask Donations are So Colorful!

Masks on masks on masks! Staying safe, protective, and stylish here at New Eastwood thank you for the recent donations from St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, our BOM’s friend, and Administrator’s Mother-In-Law.

Community Support with Chalk Messages on our Doorstep

A little chalk goes a long way. Encouraging messages written outside our facility to lift some spirits!

Drinks on Wheels with the New Eastwood Coffee Cart!

Coffee on wheels! Serving up some delicious hot beverages to our residents here at New Eastwood!

A Floral Surprise from Compassus!

Thank you Compassus for delivering flowers to residents and staff today! We greatly appreciate you and all in the community who are supporting us through these times!

Congratulations to Ashley Donner, our Newest ICARE Award Winner!

Congratulations to our March ICARE Award Winner, Ashley Donner, HR/Scheduler. Ashley demonstrates exceptional customer service, while juggling many responsibilities. She never lets her role responsibilities take priority over our residents and their needs. Thank you for all that you do, Ashley!

A Visit from the Family of Resident Louis Jones

Louis Jones visited with family through the looking glass. They brought race car magazines, healthy snacks, and iced tea for Louis. They enjoyed seeing each other and talking on the phone.

Colorful Gifts from Ben

We had a great gift today! “1.5-year-old” Ben and his mother sent us some coloring pages that he colored in on one side so that our residents could color the other. Now everyone has bright, colorful artwork that couldn’t have been made without teamwork.

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